Information about MacDonald’s Franchise business through your local corporate accountant brampton. In today’s market McDonald’s restaurants are one with highest market share compare to other food basis restaurants. What are the requirements to open a McDonald’s franchise? If you qualify to open a McDonald’s franchise and are willing to invest your time and money it can be a very financially rewarding and life-changing experience. If you are considering buying a McDonald’s franchise you will most likely buy an existing franchise restaurant. Most franchisees enter the system by purchasing an existing restaurant, either from McDonald’s or from a McDonald’s franchisee. A very small number of new operators enter the system by purchasing a new restaurant in brampton.
An initial down payment is required when you purchase a new restaurant (40% of the total cost) or an existing restaurant (25% of the total cost). The down payment must come from non-borrowed personal resources, which include cash on hand; securities, bonds, and debentures; vested profit sharing (net of taxes); and business or real estate equity, exclusive of your personal residence. Since the total cost varies from restaurant to restaurant, the minimum amount for a down payment will vary. Generally, you need a minimum of $300,000 of non-borrowed personal resources to be considered to open a McDonald’s franchise. Individuals with additional funds may be better prepared for additional or multi-restaurant opportunities which McDOnald’s encourages, corporate accountant brampton.