Tag Archives: Income Taxes woodbridge
Tax-free savings accounts give wealthy access to poverty benefit by Accountant Woodbridge
Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA) is really benefit the senior who are receiving Guaranteed Income Supplement because any income earned in TFSA in not taxable and Guaranteed Income Supplement doesn’t get reduce by your Accountant Woodbridge Ontario. Wealthy Canadians are … Continue reading
Smart Money Moves for the End of the Year by Accountant Brampton
Planning for your taxes can save you taxes and save you cost of filing taxes, if you have all the documents well organize courtesy of Accountant at Brampton. It is nearing the end of another year, but don’t let the holiday season … Continue reading
First-time Home Buyer’s Tax Credit (Accountant Woodbridge)
You can claim an amount of $5,000 for the purchase of a qualifying home made in 2010, if both of the following apply: ■ you or your spouse or common-law partner acquired a qualifying home; and ■ you did not … Continue reading
Half of Canadians are ready to cheat on taxes (Tax Accountant)
Tax planning is way of saving taxes instead of cheating on your Taxes Brampton. You can plan to save taxes through your Tax Accountant. OTTAWA – A new poll commissioned by the taxman suggests half of Canadians are ready to … Continue reading
Taxpayer relief measures available to Canadians affected by natural disasters (Accountant Brampton)
Ottawa, Ontario, September 1, 2011… The Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of National Revenue, would like all Canadians who were affected by the recent tornado in Goderich or were impacted by Hurricane Irene to know that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) … Continue reading